Monday, December 05, 2011

We celebrated Amy's 5th birthday with a party at the playground last weekend. We had a great turnout and perfect weather.

My favorite part of the whole day was her reaction to everyone singing "Happy Birthday" to her. You could see it in her face the moment she realized that everyone was there to celebrate her. She had the sweetest smile I have ever seen and her big blues eyes opened as wide as they ever have, and her jaw dropped a little bit. I had never seen her with an expression like that before. She was in awe of the moment. I saw her self esteem grow in that very moment (not that it was lacking to begin with).
Thanks Michell and Curtis for the great pictures! I was able to enjoy the party and the company so much more knowing you guys were taking better pictures than I ever could :).


mom mom rice said...

Happy birthday Amy, looks like you had a great time hugs and kisses Mom Mom and Leia

TL said...

Amy gets more and more beautiful daily!

Kim said...
