Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Amy has been pretty sick for almost a week now. Her pediatrician thought it was strep, but the culture came back negative. She decided it was most likely gingivostomatitis, and after reading up on the virus on BabyCenter I agree. Her gums have been very swollen and tender so she hasn't had much appetite.

Fortunately, I think the worst of it is behind us. She has been nibbling a little bit the past couple of days. She has also been smiling and laughing more often lately.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Amy's first watermelon:

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Now that Mike has fixed our computer, here are a few pictures
of what we have been up to lately...the neighborhood pool!

And being silly around the house...

Sunday, June 08, 2008

We hiked a few miles around Mt. Falcon.
Amy mostly napped on Mike's back.

Here we are in Boulder.

Red Rocks Amphitheater
Amy and I went to the Denver Zoo while Daddy had to work.

Here we are feeding birds nectar out of a little cup.

Amy's favorite was the carousel. She rode the aardvark.

Our other favorite was the gorillas. Amy and I sat down in the shady gorilla exhibit for a snack and the gorillas came over to us. This is Amy really excited to see them.

Anytime Amy sees a monkey she says "ah-ah-ah" like a monkey. And when she wants to watch Curious George on tv she does the same.
Amy likes to smell flowers and blow dandelions.

Saturday, June 07, 2008

Mike had a 2 week business trip to work at Denver International Airport. Amy and I talked him into driving so we could tag along. It was a very long drive, but we made the most of it. We stopped at playgrounds along the way to have picnic lunches and stretch our legs (and practice walking).

We stayed in Missouri the first night and visited family.

We stopped in Saint Louis on day two because none of us had seen the arch.

I took this video of Amy on May 22nd, but we have been on a long "sort of" vacation since then, so I haven't been able to share it until now. We are pretty pleased with Amy's new skill, if only we could keep up with her now.