Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Checking out the zebras at Zoo Atlanta.

I think Amy likes the statues as much as she likes the real animals.

Amy is feeding a parakeet some millet.

Amy in her favorite play spot, playing with her animals.

Monday, November 02, 2009

Amy picked out her dinosaur-rider costume this year.
It was a boys' costume so I embellished it with the tutu and jewelry.

Sunday, November 01, 2009

Dino-Rider Amy:

Dino-Rider and Billy Mays trick-or-treating together:

Amy and her trick-or-treating buddies.
None of them could stop eating candy long enough to take 1 picture :).

Amy has been begging me to take her to the beach for the past few weeks.
She found her swim suit and put it on herself to persuade me.