Saturday, August 21, 2010

With Mike in Japan for a while, Amy and I went to visit my parents in Elba last weekend.

Here she is in her Sunday best.

Amy is trying to get Conway to take a nap with her. (It didn't quite work).

My parents' church was having a back to school celebration.
We stopped by for lunch and some fun.

Face painting is always a big hit with Amy!

Amy loves chapstick. She is sharing hers with Buddy and Grandma.

We took Amy to a kids workshop at Lowe's where she built a bug house.
She was good with the hammer. Buddy enjoyed helping.

Amy is still very into birds and eggs and nests. We sit at the breakfast table in the mornings and she points out the finches and the woodpeckers and the cardinals, and our favorite, the robins. She saw this in Lowe's and suckered G'pa Buddy in to buying it for her.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey! I'll buy her that and anything else she wants. We did enjoy her visit.