Amy was not crazy about the water- the pool or the ocean, but that kid LOVES the sand! She gets around like a sand crab. She let us bury her.
Most of the Americans that were there had dogs. This made Amy happy.
The first morning we woke up, we went to the rooftop to watch the sunrise and saw several humpback whales jumping in the horizon.
We saw a few more on a chartered boat ride we took a few days later, including a mother and 2 babies.
We were about a quarter mile from the Buceria plaza. We walked there several times for elotas (corn covered with lime mayonnaise, then rolled in stinky cheese and sprinkled with chile pepper), and plantains drizzled in chocolate. I could live on that stuff...but not for very long because it would kill me :).
Amy did surprisingly well on both of the plane rides...phew!
WOW!!! I am so jealous!! It looks like ya'll had a blast! By the way Amy, I'm really diggin' those piggy-tails! You gotta convince you momma and daddy to bring you to K-ville for a visit...or at least let us come visit you.
Your Aunt Anna, Uncle James and cousins sure do miss you a whole lot.
I'll buy that girl a sandy beach.
(dear old grandad)
It looks like you all had a blast. She is such a cutie pie! Can't wait to give her big kisses next weekend =) YEA!!!!!
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