I love this boy so much! He is such a happy, easy going baby. He took his first steps on 4/13/13, trying to get to his big sister's open arms. His favorite foods are biscuits, peanut butter, yogurt puffs, cheerios and goldfish. And of course, cake! He loves knocking down Lego towers. He plays hard and sleeps hard. He is tough! He loves toy cars and trucks. He can climb up and slide down (backwards on his belly) our big slide in the backyard. He loves to swing, especially when someone makes funny faces at him. He screams in excitement when Amy gets off the bus and also when Daddy gets home from work. He gives the world's best hugs. He really likes dogs. He has started jumping in his crib while holding on to the rail. He gave his first (fish faced) kiss to his sweet birth mom over facetime on his birthday. He laughs for no apparent reason. If we leave the bathroom door open on accident he sprint-crawls in there and tries to climb in to the bath tub, especially if Amy is in there. He is extremely coordinated. He just cut his third tooth and the fourth one can't be far behind. He plays bashful when older women flirt with him, but when younger ladies pay him attention he tries to lunge out of my arms and into theirs (he has been successful twice).
As much as I want him to stay a baby forever, I really enjoy watching him grow and develop into a toddler. This boy keeps me on my toes and I love every second of it. I am so lucky. And grateful.