Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Amy has been pretty sick for almost a week now. Her pediatrician thought it was strep, but the culture came back negative. She decided it was most likely gingivostomatitis, and after reading up on the virus on BabyCenter I agree. Her gums have been very swollen and tender so she hasn't had much appetite.

Fortunately, I think the worst of it is behind us. She has been nibbling a little bit the past couple of days. She has also been smiling and laughing more often lately.


Council Family said...

There is nothing more pure (or is it purer?) than a happy baby!!

Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear that Amy's had a rough week =( However, glad to hear that she's on the mend! Can't wait to see you next week!

Anonymous said...

i think she misses her granddad