Thursday, May 28, 2009

Here are too many pictures of Amy playiong in the water and the mud:

Amy did her own hair this morning.

Friday, May 22, 2009

We have sold our first family home and moved out.   
We bought another house on the other side of town, but don't close on it until June 10th.

Here are Grandpa and Amy taking a break from loading up the U-Haul to swing from the tree one last time.  I used to push Amy in this swing in the afternoons as we waited for the mail man.  

I guess I was taking a break too, to take the picture.

After moving out of our house on Friday, we drove up to Knoxville for Jael's 5th birthday party.

Amy, Gretchen and I are all settled in my parents' house in Elba, Alabama where there is lots to do, despite there not being a Gymboree.

  We drink Yoohoo sodas.

And we watch the silly dogs run and play.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Doin' Work:

Amy helping Mike move.

Amy helping me mow the lawn.

Amy modeling her purse as a hat.

Thursday, May 07, 2009

My little girl did three things today that reminded me how quickly she is growing up.

I wasn't paying a whole lot of attention to her this morning because I was packing up boxes for our move across town. She was doing a great job entertaining herself, which always makes me proud. I saw her pull a wooden puzzle off of the top of a bookshelf. It went everywhere. When I came back into the room a few minutes later, the puzzle was laying on the floor all put together. Wow!

Secondly, when I was getting her dressed, she grabbed her shoe and put it on herself. I'm sure it was lucky that she got it on the right foot, but then she velcroed it. Wow!

Finally, she has been counting to six for a long time now, and then mumbling the rest of the way to 10. We have been proud of how well she sings (or yells) the alphabet, so we haven't really been pushing counting. Today she loudly and clearly counted her marching steps down the hall, counting in stride with her steps. Wow.