Things that make me a happy mommy:
1) When I carry Amy up the stairs to bed and she falls asleep on my shoulder.
2) When I put Amy down for bed or a nap at just the right time, and she doesn't cry or whine.
3) When Amy starts to get fussy and I know exactly why, and am able to fix the problem (she usually wants her sippy cup or a nap).
4) Watching Amy get so excited she shakes when her daddy gets home from work.
5) When I think Amy is sleeping in late in the morning, and I go to check on her and she is playing quietly in her crib.
6) When Amy pulls me by the hand with excitement around the playground.
7) When we are able to leave the playground without crying.
8) When Amy squeezes her nose and makes a honking noise.
9) When Amy lets me pull her hair back in to a ponytail without pitching a fit.
10) When I see another toddler behaving badly and Amy looks at him like he has two heads. (Not that Amy isn't ever the two headed toddler).
11) When Amy reads a book aloud to me. She makes the cutest noises!
12) That Amy gets super excited to have her teeth brushed at bedtime.
13) Watching Amy climb on a step stool, eagerly hoping to get to wash her hands.
14) When I ask Amy a question and she adamantly answers yes or no. (She doesn't know the difference between yes and no yet).
15) The way Amy walks with her chest out and her head high and swings her arms energetically.
16) Seeing her dance.
17) When Amy gives me a big hug around the neck and then plays with my hair.
18) Figuring out that a sound Amy has been making is actually a word she has learned to say.
19) When I ask her if she has a stinky diaper and she runs and hides while laughing at herself.
20) When I can tell Amy is proud of herself for doing something walking or jumping or using a fork.
Here she is proud of herself for drinking water out of a cup: