Wednesday, June 28, 2006

so mike came home from a trip to tallapoosa a few weeks ago raving about how he found gretchen's family. i didn't think much about it until he showed me these 2 pics of the dog that he is convinced is gretch's dad.

we got gretchen from a humaine society in pell city alabama, which is just inside alabama. tallapoosa is just inside GA, so i guess it is possible... you tell me.

$2.oo worth of home improvement...
i upgraded our plane jane sliding glass doors with these fancy schmancy ones i found at a yard sale for free. even came with a hole free sliding screen.

the $2 was for the 5 tin tiles above the door that you can't see very well...

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Monkey Face.

Gretchy got a new 'do.

Reilly (Stephanie & Doug's newest edition), Willa and Gretchen playing around in the backyard...

Monday, June 12, 2006

we couldn't get gretchen in to be she is still a shaggy rambunctious wreck (as opposed to a shaved rambunctious wreck). here she is at the back door in anticipation of going outside with willa.
my sweetie the goofball.

..went hiking in north georgia this weekend with amber & devin. it was a tough hike (at least for me) up to the top of blood mountain. it was a looong 4 miles up hill and a quick 4 miles back.

Friday, June 09, 2006

the babies at their best...
these aren't current pictures, but cute nonetheless! gretchen is getting shaved this i'll have pictures up tomorrow of a naked doggy.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

I went to Clearwater with a bunch of friends for Sam's Bachelorette party. Beth's dad was kind enough to let us stay at his amazing waterfront condo. I still can't get over how accommodating the place was, and how perfect the weather was.

Here is Michael and Willa moving some earth with a back hoe we found on the trail.